Lutheran Church
What is Middle School Ministry?
Middle School Youth Group - Meets weekly Wednesdays at 5:25PM
Activity Nights - A monthly gathering
Family God Time - A time with family to explore you faith together using the Faith Five and Luther's Small Catechism as a guide
Cross Generational Events - Structured time to get to know fellow members of the Body of Christ through all generations
Worship - Time to gather together around the table with song and scripture, where you can come as you are
Understanding Baptismal Promises - Demonstrate your understanding of:
living among God's faithful people
hearing the word of God & sharing in the Lord's supper
proclaiming the good news of God in Christ through word & deed
serving all people following the example of Jesus
striving for justice & peace in all the earth
Confirmation is an opportunity for us to explore, learn and question our faith before we confirm it before our congregation and church family.